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lunes, marzo 19, 2007
Question about OEM v's Upgrade
A fence should be horse high, hog tight and bull strong.
There is something about a bureaucrat that does not like a poem.
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
Luck is being ready for the chance.
There is nothing with which it is so dangerous to take liberties as liberty itself.
Women know what men have long forgotten. The ultimate economic and spiritual unit of any civilization is still the family.
Praise those of your critics for whom nothing is up to standard.
In America, the photographer is not simply the person who records the past, but the one who invents it.
If you can't go over, you must go under.
Office without pay makes thieves.
What's scary in life is not what people know (or don't know), but what they know that ain't so.
We die as often as we lose a friend.
God may forgive your sins, but your nervous system won t.
Prices of OEM Windows
Office 2007 is available for enterprise users from November 30, 2006. The end user version is available from the beginning of 2007. The 2007 Microsoft Office System, also known as Microsoft Office 2007, is the most recent version of Microsoft's productivity suite. Formerly known as Office 12 in the initial stages of its beta cycle, it was scheduled to be made available to volume license customers on November 30, 2006, with general availability following in early 2007. Office 2007 contains a number of new features, the most notable of which is the entirely new graphical user interface called the Ribbon, replacing the menus and toolbars that have been the cornerstone of Office since its inception. Office 2007 also includes new applications and server-side tools. Chief amongst these is Groove, a collaboration and communication suite for smaller businesses which was originally developed by Groove Networks before being acquired by Microsoft in 2005. Also included is Office Sharepoint Server 2007, a major revision to the server platform for Office applications, which supports "Excel Services", a client-server architecture for supporting Excel workbooks that are shared in real time between multiple machines, and are also viewable and editable through a web page. While Office 2007 includes many new features, one has been removed entirely: Microsoft FrontPage is no longer being developed; its successor is the Microsoft Expression line of products.
Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise
Retail Price $899.00
Our Price $79.95
You save $819.05
Please note, that there will be more special offers available for our constant customers. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information contained herein. DS Team makes no warranty expressed or implied with respect to accuracy of the information, including price, product editorials or product specifications. Product and manufacturer names are used only for the purpose of identification. We appreciate your cooperation with us and we'll be glad to see you as our clients in the future.
will xp pro oem do this
Office 2007 is available for enterprise users from November 30, 2006. The end user version is available from the beginning of 2007. The 2007 Microsoft Office System, also known as Microsoft Office 2007, is the most recent version of Microsoft's productivity suite. Formerly known as Office 12 in the initial stages of its beta cycle, it was scheduled to be made available to volume license customers on November 30, 2006, with general availability following in early 2007. Office 2007 contains a number of new features, the most notable of which is the entirely new graphical user interface called the Ribbon, replacing the menus and toolbars that have been the cornerstone of Office since its inception. Office 2007 also includes new applications and server-side tools. Chief amongst these is Groove, a collaboration and communication suite for smaller businesses which was originally developed by Groove Networks before being acquired by Microsoft in 2005. Also included is Office Sharepoint Server 2007, a major revision to the server platform for Office applications, which supports "Excel Services", a client-server architecture for supporting Excel workbooks that are shared in real time between multiple machines, and are also viewable and editable through a web page. While Office 2007 includes many new features, one has been removed entirely: Microsoft FrontPage is no longer being developed; its successor is the Microsoft Expression line of products.
Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise
Retail Price $899.00
Our Price $79.95
You save $819.05
Please note, that there will be more special offers available for our constant customers. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information contained herein. DS Team makes no warranty expressed or implied with respect to accuracy of the information, including price, product editorials or product specifications. Product and manufacturer names are used only for the purpose of identification. We appreciate your cooperation with us and we'll be glad to see you as our clients in the future.
diff between OEM and ref full ver of XP
The eye is easily frightened.
There's naught, no doubt, so much the spirit calms as rum and true religion.
I will listen to anyone's convictions, but pray keep your doubts to yourself.
The usual fortune of complaint is to excite contempt more than pity.
Honor is the moral conscience of the great.
I'm a nut, but not just a nut.
It is the heart which perceives God and not the reason. That is what faith is: God perceived by the heart, not by the reason.
Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.
I am walking over hot coals suspended over a deep pit at the bottom of which are a large number of vipers baring their fangs.
I have tamed men of iron in my day, shall I not easily crush these men of butter?
How would you like a job where when you made a mistake, a big red light goes on and 18,000 people boo?
Animals do not admire each other. A horse does not admire its companion.
Please to put a nickel, please to put a dime. How petitions trickle in at Christmas time!
desde blogscolombia
Seguridad en los Blogs
Marzo 13, 2007 @ 9:05 pm · Archivado en Anuncios y Noticias, blogs, Colombia, apoyoBlogger, crackers, blogscolombia
Debido a la oleada de sitios atacados recientemente y la amenaza real de próximos ataques hemos recogido algunas recomendaciones útiles sobre seguridad en blogs:
- Revisar cuidadosamente emails enviados por Google/Gmail. Este tipo de mensajes no son enviados generalmente por esta empresa y muchas veces encubren sitios maliciosos -con diseño y apariencia muy similares a los originales- que capturan su usuario y password de correo o weblog, permitiendo la entrada libre a cualquier atacante. [Post relacionado]. Esta recomendación vale para cualquier sitio o servicio.
- Realizar respaldos o backups periódicos de sus posts y comentarios. Los usuarios de Blogger pueden hacerlo colocando en su navegador este url (en una sola linea):
max-results=1000 . En caso de que el blog tenga mas de 1000 entradas se sustituye el 1000′ por el numero total de posts. Las entradas o posts también pueden guardarse en formato XML -ideal para importarlos nuevamente en otros sistemas- utilizando:
max-results=1000 Los comentarios pueden guardarse en este mismo formato con la dirección
max-results=1000. Para el resguardo de las imagenes publicadas se recomienda el uso de la extensión de Firefox DownThemAll! para descargar las imágenes generadas en el primer listado/url comentado en este punto. [Fuente: GoogleOperatingSystem]. Otros sistemas como Wordpress vienen con la función de respaldo o pueden incorporarse utilizando plugins - Considerar el cambio de sistema de publicación. Blogger es un excelente sistema, pero los recientes ataques hacen suponer la posibilidad de que los atacantes consiguieron los usuarios y claves de Gmail o Blogger. Opciones altamente recomendables son La Coctelera y Si el usuario tiene los medios es también recomendable utilizar sistemas hospedados en servidor como Wordpress, Textpattern o MovableType
- Utilizar claves o passwords mas seguros. Algunos post o recursos relacionados: Post de Patton | Generando el password perfecto | Sugerencias para la selección de passwords
Actualización Importante!: A través de la gestión de memori@ -una de las bloggers españolas afectadas y quien hizo los primeros acercamientos- nos hemos puesto en contacto con Google para la atención y posible resolución de los casos de blogs afectados durante los ataques recientes. En blogscolombia hay registros de algunos de los blogs afectados pero necesitaríamos su autorización para el envío de sus correos electrónicos a la empresa propietaria de Blogger -nuestra Politica de Privacidad así lo exige-. Tambien sería necesaria la información de los otros blogs afectados -email, nombres, día y hora aproximada de los ataques y cualquier dato relevante- para ser enviados conjuntamente a la comisión que está estudiando el caso en Google. En esta oportunidad le pedimos a los blogs afectados y demás bloggers de la comunidad la replicación de este mensaje o el contacto directo con sus autores (nosotros estamos adelantando lo que podemos) a fin de que llegue a todas las personas relacionadas con este caso. Cualquier mensaje pueden enviarlo a través de nuestro formulario de contacto. Muchas gracias
TELEFONO: CEL. 76850061
OEM Controversy Update.
Office 2007 is available for enterprise users from November 30, 2006. The end user version is available from the beginning of 2007. The 2007 Microsoft Office System, also known as Microsoft Office 2007, is the most recent version of Microsoft's productivity suite. Formerly known as Office 12 in the initial stages of its beta cycle, it was scheduled to be made available to volume license customers on November 30, 2006, with general availability following in early 2007. Office 2007 contains a number of new features, the most notable of which is the entirely new graphical user interface called the Ribbon, replacing the menus and toolbars that have been the cornerstone of Office since its inception. Office 2007 also includes new applications and server-side tools. Chief amongst these is Groove, a collaboration and communication suite for smaller businesses which was originally developed by Groove Networks before being acquired by Microsoft in 2005. Also included is Office Sharepoint Server 2007, a major revision to the server platform for Office applications, which supports "Excel Services", a client-server architecture for supporting Excel workbooks that are shared in real time between multiple machines, and are also viewable and editable through a web page. While Office 2007 includes many new features, one has been removed entirely: Microsoft FrontPage is no longer being developed; its successor is the Microsoft Expression line of products.
Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise
Retail Price $899.00
Our Price $79.95
You save $819.05
Please note, that there will be more special offers available for our constant customers. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information contained herein. DS Team makes no warranty expressed or implied with respect to accuracy of the information, including price, product editorials or product specifications. Product and manufacturer names are used only for the purpose of identification. We appreciate your cooperation with us and we'll be glad to see you as our clients in the future.
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INFORMACIÓN DE PRENSA: II Congreso Internacional de Blogs y Periodismo en la Red
Ya cuenta con más de 400 inscritos procedentes de 10 países
Presentado el programa definitivo del II Congreso Internacional de Blogs y Periodismo en la Red
El II Congreso Internacional de Blogs y Periodismo en la Red que, organizado por el Departamento de Periodismo II de la Universidad Complutense, se celebrará en Madrid durante los días 25 y 26 de abril en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, ha presentado el programa definitivo de conferenciantes, ponentes y grupos de trabajo.
El II Congreso Internacional de Blogs y Periodismo en la Red ( cuenta con la colaboración del Observatorio de Periodismo en Internet (OPEI) y la Fundación Orange. Por sus contenidos, se dirige fundamentalmente a docentes, investigadores, postgraduados, estudiantes de Ciencias de la Información y Comunicación, periodistas bloggers, profesionales de los gabinetes de prensa y comunicación y, en general, a todos aquellos interesados por el desarrollo de la cultura digital en los medios y en la Sociedad de la Información. Hasta la fecha el número de inscritos se sitúa por encima de las 400 personas. Como dato particularmente relevante, se ha recibido un centenar de propuestas de comunicaciones por parte de profesores, investigadores y equipos de investigación, de universidades e instituciones de España y países Iberoamericanos, entre los que destacan: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, México, Perú, Puerto Rico, Colombia y Venezuela.
Debido al aforo limitado las inscripciones se realizarán por riguroso orden de petición, enviando los datos que se solicitan en el formulario al efecto incluido en la página web. Según los casos, se regirá por las siguientes tasas:
- Docentes, investigadores, estudiantes y público interesado: gratis
- Docentes, investigadores, estudiantes y otros que requieran certificación y/o diploma de asistencia: 10 euros
- Profesores, investigadores, FPI y profesionales (que presenten comunicación): 25 euros
El programa del II Congreso es el siguiente:
Miércoles día 25 de abril
- 8.30. Recepción de asistentes y entrega de documentación
- 9.15. Inauguración y presentación del Congreso
- Javier Davara. Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información
- Manuel Gimeno. Director General de Fundación Orange
- Mariano Cebrián. Presidente del Congreso
- Francisco Esteve. Director del Departamento de Periodismo II
- Jesús Flores. Director del Congreso
- 9.40. Conferencia de apertura: El estado de los blogs periodísticos en la web 2.0. Francis Pisani. Periodista y blogger. Corresponsal de Le Monde y El País. Profesor visitante de la Universidad de Berkeley
- 10.30. Panel científico: Panorama actual y prospectiva de la formación ciberperiodística en el EEES.
- Presidenta. María Jesús Casals Catedrática de Periodismo UCM
- Participan:
- Jesús García Yruela. UCM
- Daniel Domínguez. UNED
- Alfonso Palazón. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- Próspero Morán. Universidad Carlos III
- Carlos Magro Mazo. Director de la Oficina de Información Científica de la CAM
- 11.50. Coloquio/debate
- 12.10. Conferencia plenaria: Ciberradio. Mariano Cebrián Herreros. Catedrático de Periodismo UCM
- 12.40. Panel profesional: Periodismo blog, ¿nuevo género, nuevo medio o simple alternativa de la información?.
- Presidente. Francisco Esteve. Catedrático de Periodismo UCM
- Participan:
- José Cervera. Periodista de 20 Minutos
- Roger Casas-Alatriste. Director de MobuzzTV
- Juan Manuel Zafra. Director de Comunicación de
- Diego Caballo. Periodista de Agencia Efe
- José Manuel Cerezo. Analista Fundación Orange
- 14.20. Coloquio/debate
- 14.30. Pausa
- 16.00-19.00. Sesiones Grupos de Trabajo
- GT-1: Bloggers periodísticos y bloggers informativos (Pedro García-Alonso UCM)
- GT-2: Blogs políticos y procesos electorales (Luis Miguel Martínez UCM)
- GT-3: Medios de comunicación en internet y la era de la gratuidad (Claudia Lerma Tecnológico de Monterrey-México)
- GT-4: Ciberperiodismo y Periodismo en la Sociedad de la Información (Rafael Carrasco Centro Universitario Villanueva, UEM y ESIC)
- GT-5: Cultura digital en los medios (Francisco Rodríguez Pastoriza UCM)
- GT-6: Investigación del periodismo en red (Joaquín López del Ramo URJC)
- GT-7: Blogs y otras alternativas de negocio digital de los medios (Mª Luisa Sánchez Calero UCM)
- GT-8: Los Blogs como medio alternativo y fuente de información (Julia González Conde UCM)
- GT-9: Blogs institucionales públicos y privados (Casimiro López ANPAP)
- GT-10: Tendencias de la prensa en Internet (Mercedes Zamarra - UCM)
Jueves día 26 de abril
- 9.15. Panel de medios: Cibercultura y blogs de medios: información o negocio?
- Presidente. Fernando Quirós. Catedrático de Periodismo UCM
- Participan:
- Ismael Nafría. Subdirector de Contenidos de
- Eduardo Bendala. Director de Comunicación de Grupo Recoletos
- Roberto de Celis. Director General de
- Eduardo Pedreño. Director de Diario IP
- 10.50. Coloquio/debate
- 11.15. Conferencia plenaria: Análisis y tendencias de los blogs en España. Diego Semprún. Director de Marketing-España de Nielsen/Netratings
- 11.50. Pausa
- 12.00. Panel de política y sociedad: Redes sociales, blogopolítica y procesos electorales
- Presidente. José Luis Dader. Catedrático de Periodismo UCM
- Participan:
- Fernando Jáuregui. Director de Ocio Crítico
- Tito Drago. Corresponsal ISP-Italia
- Juan Varela. Periodista y consultor de medios
- Rafael Jiménez Claudín. Periodista de Agencia Efe
- Enrique Castro. Blogger y coordinador de la Asociación Red de Blogs Socialistas
- 14.00. Coloquio/debate
- 14.14. Clausura del Congreso. Fernando G. Urbaneja. Presidente de la Asociación de la Prensa de Madrid
- 16.00-19.00. Sesiones Grupos de Trabajo
- GT-11: Analfabetismo tecnológico y brecha digital (Daniel Domínguez UNED)
- GT-12: Formación y Perfiles profesionales que demanda el mercado (Santiago Tejedor UAB)
- GT-13: Los blogs docentes e investigación en el nuevo EEES (Alma Gutiérrez Tecnológico de Monterrey México)
- GT-14: Medios de comunicación que promueven blogs (Carmen Salgado UCM)
- GT-15: Legislación y contenidos online (Serafín Chimeno / Loreto Corredoira y Alfonso UCM)
- GT-16: Ética y deontología de los contenidos periodísticos en Internet (Cecilia Salinas Universidad Nebrija)
- GT-17: Periodismo especializado en la Red (Donaciano Bartolomé Crespo UCM)
- GT-18: Ciberradio, Radio en Internet, radioblogs, audioblogs y podcast (Erika Trejo UNAM México)
- GT-19: Televisión en la Red vs. Plataformas videoblogs (Rafael Díaz Arias UCM)
- GT-20: Bloggers vs. Periodistas bloggers (Tiscar Lara Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Para más información contactar con:
influence & profit
David Parra
Tfno. : 913 26 79 33
E-mail :
TELEFONO: CEL. 76850061
OEM Controversy Update.
Make measurable progress in reasonable time.
What is freedom? Freedom is the right to choose: the right to create for oneself the alternatives of choice.
A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age.
Wherever the fates lead us let us follow.
Content makes poor men rich discontentment makes rich men poor.
'Tis the white stag, Fame, we're a-hunting, bid the world's hounds come to horn!
Everyone is a genius at least once a year a real genius has his original ideas closer together.
Do not always prove yourself to be the one in the right. The right will appear. You need only give it a chance.
Next, in importance to books are their titles.
To take refuge with an inferior is to betray one's self.
But there is good news yet to hear and fine things to be seen before we go to Paradise by way of Kensal Green.
Vegetables are interesting but lack a sense of purpose when unaccompanied by a good cut of meat.
To decide to be at the level of choice, is to take responsibility for your life and to be in control of your life.
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and he faded away and died.
this helps to deceive the student. I translated a passage one day, whichsaid that the infuriated tigress broke loose and utterly ate up theunfortunate fir forest (Tannenwald). When I was girding up my loins todoubt this, I found out that Tannenwald in this instance was a mans name.
sentence -- merely for general literary gorgeousness, I suppose.)
systemless, and so slippery and elusive to the grasp. One is washed about init, hither and thither, in the most helpless way; and when at last he thinks
empresa familiar: La búsqueda del propio interés socava la confianza
La búsqueda del propio interés socava la confianza | |||
La confianza es un elemento clave para mantener la buena armonía entre los propietarios de una Empresa Familiar. Dicha confianza debe sustentarse en cuatro ingredientes: capacidad, congruencia, consistencia y comunicación. | |||
A pesar de las alabanzas a la confianza, ésta es todavía un bien escaso en la Empresa Familiar. La confianza no se genera por el simple hecho de hablar de ella: depende de nuestro comportamiento. Todos reconocemos los tipos de comportamiento que siembran la discordia en una Empresa Familiar: | |||
TELEFONO: CEL. 76850061
Question about OEM v's Upgrade
The sad duty of politics is to establish justice in a sinful world.
The dearest friend on earth is a mere shadow compared to Jesus Christ.
Friends are those rare people who ask how you are and then wait to hear the answer.
It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.
I don't use drugs, my dreams are frightening enough.
Women, like men, ought to have their youth so glutted with freedom they hate the very idea of freedom.
The creation of a thousand forest in one acorn.
Let no man fear to die, we love to sleep all, and death is but the sounder sleep.
Opposition may become sweet to a man when he has christened it persecution.
A fence should be horse high, hog tight and bull strong.
Joy is free, unrestrained passion
We are decent 99 percent of the time, when we could easily be vile.
One ungrateful person, does an injury to all needy people.
Oboshlos. Oni proigryvali Oba, medlenno, no neizbezhno. Na ego pravom pleche krasovalas nashivka perekreste dvuh zheltyh Stilizovannyh strelok na fone sinego kruga emblema sotnika Nubesara, kak srazu Zhe podskazala moia spravochnaia. Znachit, Dvadcat deviat let prigovora byli eshche v zapase. Mysl oborvalas zhutkij, ledeniashchij dushu rev bukvalno vzorval vozduh Riadom, i chto-to moshchnoe i stremitelnoe brosilos na menia. I mozhet popytatsia Sniat ih. Edva Celitel brosilsia k sherenge profi, kak oni otkryli ogon, i ulica Iarko osvetilas chastymi vspyshkami vystrelov. On ne Gubitel, net. Ne bespokojsia. My ne priblizhalis drug k drugu I ne udalialis. I pochemu zhe? eto uzhe sprosil ia, i ne slishkom dobrozhelatelno. Vozmozhno, chuzhoj voobshche nikogda ne spit. Nozh Bigmana polosnul tam, gde tolko chto byla moia grud. Ves risk v tom, hvatit li zhiznennoj sily, chtoby osvoit chuzhoe Zaklinanie? Esli Istochnik zaberet sily bolshe, chem imeetsia realno, to mozhno Proigrat svoiu zhizn v pogone za bystrym rezultatom. Zdes eto bylo nevozmozhno. Pochti. Vmesto emocij u etogo Sushchestva, vygliadevshego i razgovarivaiushchego kak chelovek, ziiala strashnaia Pustota, trebuiushchaia nekoego zloveshchego zapolneniia. Riadom s nim pustovalo mesto, nesomnenno, Ostavlennoe dlia menia. Taj vnutrenne vozmutilas podobnoj besceremonnostiu. Vovremia nadetyj kapiushon, kak vyiasnilos, spas ego ot ukusa. A ty? Ty smozhesh dobratsia sama? Ona slabo kivnula. shefira vpolne dostatochno, chtoby prevratit nas v slaboumnyh idiotov, procedil Bigman skvoz zuby. Po kostliavomu licu begut Kapli pota, on hripit, sudorozhno dergaia kadykom: Kto ty? Ty uzhe ponial. Ia Zabyla, kto ia takaia i gde nahozhus, a eto opasno. Ia podumal Bylo, chto sejchas on nakinetsia na menia kak na narushitelia vooruzhennogo Peremiriia, kotoroe u menia slozhilos s Bigmanom, no on ni slovom ne Obmolvilsia ob etom. Ved sudia po tomu, kak vse eto vygliadelo, tot tolko zashchishchalsia! Diadke Prosto ne povezlo popal ne v to vremia ne v to mesto. Odnu minutku, ostanovil ego chuzhak. Ne lez, inop, poka tebia ne sprashivaiut! riavknul prygun, sverknuv Belymi ot beshenstva glazami. Ty sheptun, dorriks, uverenno otvetil ia. Sushchestvo uzhe uspelo razvernutsia i snova neslos emu v lico. Ne govoriu, chto u Menia sem ladonej vo lbu vsego odna, mozhete sami proverit. Slegka tronuv povodia charsa, ona podehala blizhe. Kazhetsia, na etot raz ty oshibsia, hmuro skazal ia. Pytalsia najti vyhod iz zamknutogo kruga beznadezhnoe zaniatie. Neskolko sekund, i ia uzhe shel riadom s Kvinom, soprovozhdaia ego Na audienciiu k Volshebnomu Zveriu. I tebe Sveta, svetochtimyj.