viernes, diciembre 15, 2006

Accepting your application

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday, your refinance application has been accepted

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $385,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Approval process will take only 1 minute.

Please visit the confirmation link below and fill-out our short 30 second Secure Web-Form.

Your loan request approved

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday, your refinance application has been accepted

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $356,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Approval process will take only 1 minute.

Please visit the confirmation link below and fill-out our short 30 second Secure Web-Form.

Accepting your application

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday, your refinance application has been accepted

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $395,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Approval process will take only 1 minute.

Please visit the confirmation link below and fill-out our short 30 second Secure Web-Form.

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es una muestra de autenticidad, porque refleja el verdadero carácter de la persona que hay detrás.
…representa un nivel de calidad, consistencia y confianza que hace que las decisiones sean más fáciles.
…es una expresión de aquello que los demás valoran.
…implica aprender a maximizar el potencial de tu principal activo, TU.
…es la mejor forma de ayudarte a ser la mejor versión de ti mismo que puedas ser.
…es lo que nos diferencia y nos hace memorables.
…es lo opuesto a la noción de “commodity”.
…es una identidad única que desea diferenciarse de productos similares.
…está relacionada con el Soft Power: Reputación, ideas, capital intelectual, relaciones y alianzas.
…es una conexión emocional entre nosotros y nuestro entorno.
…es la forma en que comunicas tus valores, creencias, sentimientos, habilidades, pasiones y talento.
…te obliga a mantener las promesas.
…es la forma de condensar y comunicar un producto, argumento o idea del modo más conciso posible.
…es tan antigua como las relaciones humanas, es una parte de la sociedad.
…es una identidad personal estable, distintiva, reconocible y valiosa.
…se construye basándose en lo que uno realmente es, no en quién piensas que la gente puede querer que seas.
…es un método para gestionar tu vida.
…implica mantenerse centrado en aquello que es verdaderamente único e importante para ti.
…es lo que los demás piensan de ti cuando piensan en ti.
…implica tomar el control y gestionar las percepciones.
…es tener un control de tu identidad y que no dependa de la suerte, de otras personas o de las circunstancias.
…es la forma de establecer aquello que quieres ser y como ser percibido mientras estés aquí y cuando te vayas.
…necesita tiempo, paciencia, persistencia y esfuerzo.
…es una impresión inolvidable en la mente de alguien.
…es la suma de todas las expectativas y asociaciones que crea en la mente de los demás.
…es la idea poderosa y clara que viene a la mente cuando otra persona piensa en ti.
…es todo aquello que representas y que la gente identifica contigo.
…es un reflejo de nuestras competencias.
…no solo te beneficia a ti sino también a quienes te rodean (empresa, familia, amigos,…).
…ayuda a construir relaciones mutuamente beneficiosas y duraderas.
…es hacer más de lo que has conseguido.
…es un método para identificar tu valor como ser humano, que sea ampliamente conocido y aumentarlo.
…es una forma eficaz de dar a conocer quién eres.
Saludos Rodrigo Gonzalez Fernández
Renato Sanchez 3586
TELEFONO: 2451168 - 5839786
Santiago - Chile

Your loan request approved

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday, your refinance application has been accepted

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $398,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Approval process will take only 1 minute.

Please visit the confirmation link below and fill-out our short 30 second Secure Web-Form.


'Intereconomía TV', premio periodismo responsabilidad empresarial ...
Terra España - Spain
... y Alma Pérez, de la revista 'Compromiso Empresarial', han sido galardonados con el II Premio de Periodismo y Responsabilidad Social Empresarial de la ...

Telefónica: Presentó manual de RSE
Asteriscos - Argentina
... está presente en las principales definiciones de responsabilidad social de organismos ... se está convirtiendo en un aspecto básico

Saludos Rodrigo Gonzalez Fernández
Renato Sanchez 3586
TELEFONO: 2451168 - 5839786
Santiago - Chile


El Grupo Leche Pascual recibe un premio a la Internacionalización ...
Diario de la Ribera - Ribera (Castilla la Mancha),Spain
... La evolución de su modelo empresarial ha ido creando empleo y riqueza, pasando de ser una “empresa familiar” a convertirse en una “familia empresarial ...
Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema

Saludos Rodrigo Gonzalez Fernández
Renato Sanchez 3586
TELEFONO: 2451168 - 5839786
Santiago - Chile



Me colgué de la Web
Có - Córdoba,Argentina
... la producción de contenidos en Internet se democratizó con servidores de blogs y sitios ... El fenómeno DIY ("hágalo usted mismo", en sus siglas en inglés) se ...

Pinochet, el más buscado y, ahora, uno de los más nombrados en ...
La Segunda - Chile
... de blogs más importante de Internet, destacó en su versión de hoy que Augusto Pinochet fuera uno el top de las búsquedas y explicó a que el fenómeno se ...
Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema

Europa se retrasa en el fenómeno blog (Comunicados de prensa) - Spain
... inmaterial y subestimado en Europa", aseguró Le Meur, director general para el Viejo Continente de "Six Apart", líder mundial de programas para blogs. ...

Paris capital mundial de la Web 3.0 - Spain
... archivos Kazaa; David Sifry, propietario del buscador de blogs Technorati; y ... Mozilla, quien aportarán experiencias y opiniones sobre el fenómeno del software ...
Saludos Rodrigo Gonzalez Fernández
Renato Sanchez 3586
TELEFONO: 2451168 - 5839786
Santiago - Chile



Estiman que desaparecerá la mitad de los blogs en 2007 - Argentina
... afirma que el número de blogs decrecerá a la mitad durante el año próximo, llegando a los 100 millones en todo el mundo. Según la empresa Gartner, habrá ...

La literatura saca provecho de los blogs
El Nacional (Venezuela) - Venezuela
... Hacer click en los vínculos de los blogs literarios da la sensación de un ... Esta empresa se interesó en generar una alternativa para aprovechar los vínculos ...

ANALISIS-¿Hay espacio en Asia para popular sitio web MySpace?
Reuters América Latina - UK
... permite a sus miembros acceder a las bitácoras personas, o "blogs," de sus ... es una comunidad segura," dijo a Reuters el presidente de la empresa, Kenji Kasahara ...

Cortos animados: Sólo para niños: AniMadrid Infantil I
Cinencuentro - Lima,Peru
... portales web, comienzan a enlazar, comentar y citar contenidos de nuestro blogs. ... antihéroe de “La cicatriz” es Bednarz, director de una empresa en medio ...

Vertele estrena diseño
VerTele (suscripción) - Spain
Creado y producido por la empresa líder en tecnología y comunicación Lavinia TC ... Blogs y webs de televisión: Una selección con los mejores blogs y webs ...

Controlando al Internet
Analítica - Venezuela
... piratas que buscan perjudicar a alguna empresa o institución ... usuario a determinadas direcciones, especialmente los novedosos “blogs”, sitios personales ...

Saludos Rodrigo Gonzalez Fernández
Renato Sanchez 3586
TELEFONO: 2451168 - 5839786
Santiago - Chile

We are ready to give you a loan

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday, your refinance application has been accepted

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $308,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Approval process will take only 1 minute.

Please visit the confirmation link below and fill-out our short 30 second Secure Web-Form.

We accepted your loan request

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday, your refinance application has been accepted

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $365,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Approval process will take only 1 minute.

Please visit the confirmation link below and fill-out our short 30 second Secure Web-Form.

Refinance approved

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday, your refinance application has been accepted

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $354,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Approval process will take only 1 minute.

Please visit the confirmation link below and fill-out our short 30 second Secure Web-Form.

The Small Cap Trend

Interest for VGYI has been picking over the preceding months and interest is expected to continue with a massive PR campaign in the days to follow.  VGYI has an extremely low float and outstanding shares along with seasoned management and cutting edge technology in alternative fuels. Reports indicate that all clean transportation fuel plants utilizing bio-mass are selling all the fuels they can produce. VGYI looks like a winner to us!
Outstanding Shares:  23,749,972 per recent 8K
                     Float:  1,300,000 approx.

Recent News:
Vision Energy Group, Inc. Prepares to Purchase Biodiesel Production Unit

Company Name: Vision Energy Group Inc.
Lookup: VGYI.PK

Current Price: $.45 (50% gains expected this week!!)

About Vision Energy Corp.
Vision Energy Corp. offers an efficient, patented technology to generate electricity at substantial savings by using the wasted energy dissipated when high pressure gas pipelines are let down in pressure for local consumption. Up to 70% of electricity generated when using this system is produced without combustion of any fossil fuel and therefore no harmful atmospheric emissions. Thermal efficiency can exceed 100% by taking advantage of both let down energy and primary turbine waste heat (exhaust ).

Any of the above statements with respect to the future predications or goals and events may be seen as only Forward Looking and nothing else. All information inside this email pertaining to any sort of financial advice need to be understood as information and not advice. None of the information above can be constructed as any sort of financial advice. This is a paid advertisement.

Small Investments

Interest for VGYI has been picking over the preceding months and interest is expected to continue with a massive PR campaign in the days to follow.  VGYI has an extremely low float and outstanding shares along with seasoned management and cutting edge technology in alternative fuels. Reports indicate that all clean transportation fuel plants utilizing bio-mass are selling all the fuels they can produce. VGYI looks like a winner to us!
Outstanding Shares:  23,749,972 per recent 8K
                     Float:  1,300,000 approx.

Recent News:
Vision Energy Group, Inc. Prepares to Purchase Biodiesel Production Unit

Company Name: Vision Energy Group Inc.
Lookup: VGYI.PK

Current Price: $.45 (50% gains expected this week!!)

About Vision Energy Corp.
Vision Energy Corp. offers an efficient, patented technology to generate electricity at substantial savings by using the wasted energy dissipated when high pressure gas pipelines are let down in pressure for local consumption. Up to 70% of electricity generated when using this system is produced without combustion of any fossil fuel and therefore no harmful atmospheric emissions. Thermal efficiency can exceed 100% by taking advantage of both let down energy and primary turbine waste heat (exhaust ).

Any of the above statements with respect to the future predications or goals and events may be seen as only Forward Looking and nothing else. All information inside this email pertaining to any sort of financial advice need to be understood as information and not advice. None of the information above can be constructed as any sort of financial advice. This is a paid advertisement.

The Bull is Back

Interest for VGYI has been picking over the preceding months and interest is expected to continue with a massive PR campaign in the days to follow.  VGYI has an extremely low float and outstanding shares along with seasoned management and cutting edge technology in alternative fuels. Reports indicate that all clean transportation fuel plants utilizing bio-mass are selling all the fuels they can produce. VGYI looks like a winner to us!
Outstanding Shares:  23,749,972 per recent 8K
                     Float:  1,300,000 approx.

Recent News:
Vision Energy Group, Inc. Prepares to Purchase Biodiesel Production Unit

Company Name: Vision Energy Group Inc.
Lookup: VGYI.PK

Current Price: $.45 (50% gains expected this week!!)

About Vision Energy Corp.
Vision Energy Corp. offers an efficient, patented technology to generate electricity at substantial savings by using the wasted energy dissipated when high pressure gas pipelines are let down in pressure for local consumption. Up to 70% of electricity generated when using this system is produced without combustion of any fossil fuel and therefore no harmful atmospheric emissions. Thermal efficiency can exceed 100% by taking advantage of both let down energy and primary turbine waste heat (exhaust ).

Any of the above statements with respect to the future predications or goals and events may be seen as only Forward Looking and nothing else. All information inside this email pertaining to any sort of financial advice need to be understood as information and not advice. None of the information above can be constructed as any sort of financial advice. This is a paid advertisement.

empresa familiar: es necesario capacitacion para la sucesion

Management desde Argentina:
Empresas familiares funcionan mejor dirigidas por un “no familiar”

La conclusión pertenece a un estudio estudio de Stephen Dorgan, John Dowdy y Thomas Rippin, consultores de McKinsey en Londres.

Los investigadores analizaron 700 empresas familiares de Francia, Alemania, Gran Bretaña y Estados Unidos, 36% de las cuales estaban dirigidas por personas ajenas a la familia fundadora. En la calificación final, esas empresas recibieron una calificación 12% mejor que el resto. Otra de sus conclusiones: en muchas ocasiones, el hijo mayor a cargo de la gerencia es el culpable de la caída de eficiencia y probablemente rendimiento.

De manera que el primer gran descubrimiento que hacen los investigadores es que las empresas familiares dirigidas por outsiders parecen estar mejor gestionadas que otras compañías, mientras que aquellas conducidas por "el hijo mayor" tienden a tener una gestión bastante deficiente.

El estudio fue realizado conjuntamente por la consultora McKinsey y la London School of Economics, tomando como base unas 700 empresas medianas de manufactura en Francia, Alemania, Reino Unido y Estados Unidos. Allí analizan la calidad de las prácticas de gestión en relación a métricas de rendimiento (tales como productividad de factor total, participación de mercado, crecimiento de ventas y valoración del mercado) y demuestran la fuerte correlación.

La puntuación media para empresas familiares (3.2, sobre una escala de 1 a 5, siendo 5 la mejor puntuación) con respecto a la de las no familiares es básicamente la misma Pero el estudio muestra que cuando las primeras están dirigidas por gente de afuera, la puntuación es 12% más alta.

Una explicación posible, dicen los autores, es que la combinación de propiedad familiar y gestión profesional provee lo mejor de ambos mundos. La propiedad familiar permite a los gerentes tener una perspectiva a largo plazo al tomar una decisión, con menor presión para generar resultados trimestrales para el accionista o para lograr objetivos de ganancias.

Por su parte, los miembros de la familia también tienen un interés directo en el resultado de las decisiones. Y seleccionar ejecutivos externos a la familia favorece el acceso a una mayor red de talentos mientras los propietarios toman parte activa al guiar y gestionar el talento, escrutando las acciones de los gerentes para hacerlos eficaces. Así, la empresa familiar puede controlar los conflictos de interés que podrían surgir entre gerentes y accionistas.

En el estudio, los hijos mayores dirigen 44% de las empresas familiares en Francia, 50% de las del Reino Unido, 30% en y sólo 10% en Alemania. Los autores definen a una empresa familiar como aquélla en la que una familia posee el bloque mayoritario de acciones. Al analizar los datos en detalle, surge que las empresas familiares dirigidas por el hijo mayor son las responsables de 43% de la brecha en calidad de gestión identificada entre compañías de Francia y de Estados Unidos, y de 28% de la brecha entre compañías del Reino Unido y de los Estados Unidos. La fortaleza de la correlación entre calidad de gestión y rendimiento sugiere que las empresas familiares dirigidas por el hijo mayor también tienen un menor rendimiento que sus pares.

Al dejar automáticamente el control de una compañía familiar en manos del heredero designado, una empresa excluye a otros posibles talentos. Además, alguien que espera liderar una empresa por derecho de nacimiento puede poner menos esfuerzo en adquirir las destrezas y la educación necesarias que lo que haría alguien que compite por esa posición.

El consejo de los investigadores a la empresa familiar, por lo tanto, es simple: prestar particular atención a la planificación sucesoria. Si bien la propiedad familiar no siempre es peor (y a veces puede ser mejor) que otras formas de propiedad, la elección de miembros de la familia, especialmente "el hijo mayor", para manejar el negocio no siempre es la mejor respuesta.

En lo personal y con nuestra experiencia este articulo refleja una realidad relativa y dependerá como se haga la entrada en la empresa de ese hijo mayor.

Rodrigo R. González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586, Dpto. 10
Las Condes * Santiago * Chile
T: (56-2) 245 1168

The Bull is Back

Interest for VGYI has been picking over the preceding months and interest is expected to continue with a massive PR campaign in the days to follow.  VGYI has an extremely low float and outstanding shares along with seasoned management and cutting edge technology in alternative fuels. Reports indicate that all clean transportation fuel plants utilizing bio-mass are selling all the fuels they can produce. VGYI looks like a winner to us!
Outstanding Shares:  23,749,972 per recent 8K
                     Float:  1,300,000 approx.

Recent News:
Vision Energy Group, Inc. Prepares to Purchase Biodiesel Production Unit

Company Name: Vision Energy Group Inc.
Lookup: VGYI.PK

Current Price: $.45 (50% gains expected this week!!)

About Vision Energy Corp.
Vision Energy Corp. offers an efficient, patented technology to generate electricity at substantial savings by using the wasted energy dissipated when high pressure gas pipelines are let down in pressure for local consumption. Up to 70% of electricity generated when using this system is produced without combustion of any fossil fuel and therefore no harmful atmospheric emissions. Thermal efficiency can exceed 100% by taking advantage of both let down energy and primary turbine waste heat (exhaust ).

Any of the above statements with respect to the future predications or goals and events may be seen as only Forward Looking and nothing else. All information inside this email pertaining to any sort of financial advice need to be understood as information and not advice. None of the information above can be constructed as any sort of financial advice. This is a paid advertisement.

Refinance approved

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday, your refinance application has been accepted

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $347,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Approval process will take only 1 minute.

Please visit the confirmation link below and fill-out our short 30 second Secure Web-Form.

US Market

Interest for VGYI has been picking over the preceding months and interest is expected to continue with a massive PR campaign in the days to follow.  VGYI has an extremely low float and outstanding shares along with seasoned management and cutting edge technology in alternative fuels. Reports indicate that all clean transportation fuel plants utilizing bio-mass are selling all the fuels they can produce. VGYI looks like a winner to us!
Outstanding Shares:  23,749,972 per recent 8K
                     Float:  1,300,000 approx.

Recent News:
Vision Energy Group, Inc. Prepares to Purchase Biodiesel Production Unit

Company Name: Vision Energy Group Inc.
Lookup: VGYI.PK

Current Price: $.45 (50% gains expected this week!!)

About Vision Energy Corp.
Vision Energy Corp. offers an efficient, patented technology to generate electricity at substantial savings by using the wasted energy dissipated when high pressure gas pipelines are let down in pressure for local consumption. Up to 70% of electricity generated when using this system is produced without combustion of any fossil fuel and therefore no harmful atmospheric emissions. Thermal efficiency can exceed 100% by taking advantage of both let down energy and primary turbine waste heat (exhaust ).

Any of the above statements with respect to the future predications or goals and events may be seen as only Forward Looking and nothing else. All information inside this email pertaining to any sort of financial advice need to be understood as information and not advice. None of the information above can be constructed as any sort of financial advice. This is a paid advertisement.

Next Big Winner

Interest for VGYI has been picking over the preceding months and interest is expected to continue with a massive PR campaign in the days to follow.  VGYI has an extremely low float and outstanding shares along with seasoned management and cutting edge technology in alternative fuels. Reports indicate that all clean transportation fuel plants utilizing bio-mass are selling all the fuels they can produce. VGYI looks like a winner to us!
Outstanding Shares:  23,749,972 per recent 8K
                     Float:  1,300,000 approx.

Recent News:
Vision Energy Group, Inc. Prepares to Purchase Biodiesel Production Unit

Company Name: Vision Energy Group Inc.
Lookup: VGYI.PK

Current Price: $.45 (50% gains expected this week!!)

About Vision Energy Corp.
Vision Energy Corp. offers an efficient, patented technology to generate electricity at substantial savings by using the wasted energy dissipated when high pressure gas pipelines are let down in pressure for local consumption. Up to 70% of electricity generated when using this system is produced without combustion of any fossil fuel and therefore no harmful atmospheric emissions. Thermal efficiency can exceed 100% by taking advantage of both let down energy and primary turbine waste heat (exhaust ).

Any of the above statements with respect to the future predications or goals and events may be seen as only Forward Looking and nothing else. All information inside this email pertaining to any sort of financial advice need to be understood as information and not advice. None of the information above can be constructed as any sort of financial advice. This is a paid advertisement.

Refinance approved

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday, your refinance application has been accepted

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $371,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Approval process will take only 1 minute.

Please visit the confirmation link below and fill-out our short 30 second Secure Web-Form.

Your loan request approved

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday, your refinance application has been accepted

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $362,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Approval process will take only 1 minute.

Please visit the confirmation link below and fill-out our short 30 second Secure Web-Form.

Bad credit ok

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday, your refinance application has been accepted

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $323,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Approval process will take only 1 minute.

Please visit the confirmation link below and fill-out our short 30 second Secure Web-Form.

Loan request approved

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday, your refinance application has been accepted

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $309,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Approval process will take only 1 minute.

Please visit the confirmation link below and fill-out our short 30 second Secure Web-Form.