jueves, diciembre 07, 2006

Confirmation link

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday. Still paying too much for your current mortgage?

Great News, your refinance application has been accepted!

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $341,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Please visit the confirmation link below and answer only a few questions.


We accepted your loan request

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday. Still paying too much for your current mortgage?

Great News, your refinance application has been accepted!

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $378,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Please visit the confirmation link below and answer only a few questions.


We accepted your loan request

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday. Still paying too much for your current mortgage?

Great News, your refinance application has been accepted!

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $337,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Please visit the confirmation link below and answer only a few questions.


Approval process

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday. Still paying too much for your current mortgage?

Great News, your refinance application has been accepted!

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $385,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Please visit the confirmation link below and answer only a few questions.


We accepted your loan request

Thank you for your loan request, which we recieved yesterday. Still paying too much for your current mortgage?

Great News, your refinance application has been accepted!

Bad credit OK, We are ready to give you a $373,000 loan, after further review, our lenders have established the lowest monthly payments.

Please visit the confirmation link below and answer only a few questions.


hecho de gravedad máxima.

Se pone en jaque perstigio indiiscutido del SAG
Japón detecta ahora envío de mostos con timbres falsos del SAG
Fuente :La Segunda Internet
La empresa exportadora despidió a un empleado.

Un nuevo caso de irregularidad, después del envío fraudulento de carne a Japón, dio a conocer hoy el Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero. El caso corresponde ahora a un envío de mostos mostos al mismo país, con certificados que desconoce el organismo mencionado.

El Director Nacional del SAG, Francisco Bahamonde Medina, interpuso una denuncia en la Fiscalía de Las Condes, contra quienes resulten responsables de falsificar timbres y firmas de la institución, con la finalidad de introducir vinos mostos en Japón.

Bahamonde señaló que las autoridades japonesas detectaron la irregularidad en los documentos aduaneros que certificaban el envío proveniente de nuestro país, donde los timbres que presentaban no correspondían a los usualmente utilizados por el SAG para estos efectos.

Durante la investigación realizada por el SAG, la empresa exportadora reconoció que uno de sus empleados cometió el ilícito, quien tras conocerse el hecho, fue despedido.

La denuncia interpuesta hoy en la Fiscalía de Las Condes, contempla los delitos de falsificación y uso malicioso de Instrumento Público y está dirigida contra quienes resulten responsables.
Rodrigo Gonzalez Fernández
Renato Sanchez 3586
TELEFONO: 2451168 - 5839786
Santiago - Chile



 Decidiendo a que conferencia o evento asistir esta mañana porque es . imposible asistir a todas las que se nos invita. Asistó hoy a la entrega de Premios  Responsabilidad Social Empresarial  de las empresas de SOFOFA. Un extraordinario y valioso discurso de Bruno Phillipi, su presidente y del Presidente de ENDESA . Los premiados eran ENDESA CHILE y GERDAU AZA .Todos resaltaron la importancia de la Responsabilidad Social para la empresa.
El  Gerente de Gergadau AZA se encontraba en Brasil y desde allá envió un caluroso saludo y motivador para los empresarios  que presenciamos en enorme pantalla.
Entre los muchos asistente al evento estava la creme de la creme ( como decía mi abuela ) de los empresarios Chilenos. Además conversé con Gustavo Rivera  Gerente de SOFOFA Responmsabilidad Social
Felicitaciones a SOFOFA por este importante aporte a la empresa Chilena.

Next Big market Winner!

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.

Next Big market Winner!

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.

Stock Trader Alert!

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.

Rocket Stock Report

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.

desde el semanal digital; ZP recibe al político americano que más sabe del fenómeno "bloguer"

Rodrigo González Fernández , director de blogempresa.blogspot.com. Miren la importancia de los blogs en politica. Howard Dean, importante politico Democrata y se dice que es el que más sabe de blogs ; es como decir en Chile el Senador Carlos Cantero que lleva muchos años en esto de los Blogs y promoviendo las tecnologías en Chile. Nosotros hemos dado mucha importancia a los blogs y la empresa, los blogs y los politicos, entonces, hemos elaborado un programa de cursos , charlas talleres de blogs dirigido a empresarios y politicos  que están disponibles en SOFOFAa partir de 2007. Pueden reservar allí Fono: 6884265 Sr Claudio Pérez

ZP recibe al político americano que más sabe del fenómeno "bloguer"

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Rodríguez Zapatero recibirá este miércoles en La Moncloa al presidente del Partido Demócrata estadounidense, el mismo que declaró que la política de Bush en Irak fue la responsable del 11-M.
Click here to find out more! 

La Constitución celebra su veintiocho cumpleaños en pleno debate sobre su reforma. Días propicios para los corrillos políticos en las variadas recepciones políticas que se celebrarán.

4 de diciembre de 2006.  Semana de celebraciones en el XXVIII Aniversario de la Constitución de 1978, una Carta Magna devaluada de la que el debate sobre su reforma ha puesto sobre la mesa el PP este fin de semana en su conferencia política sobre el modelo de Estado. Mariano Rajoy le ha lanzado un órdago a José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, encontrándose de golpe con una oposición frontal del nacionalismo; entre las primeras reacciones, la de CiU que, por boca de su portavoz en el Congreso Josep Antoni Durán i Lleida, la ha calificado de "despropósito" y de "propuesta desaforada". Y todo esto cuando el PSOE se plantea que el Congreso se pronuncie –a la espera de poder abordar dicha reforma- sobre el derecho de la mujer a la sucesión al Trono.

Será algo de los que se hable hoy en las respectivas ejecutivas, mientras el presidente del Gobierno tiene estos días una abultada agenda internacional. Zapatero recibe este lunes al presidente de la República de Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya, que se encuentra de visita oficial en España. Por la tarde, el jefe del Ejecutivo viajará a Senegal, donde asistirá en Dakar a la cena ofrecida por el presidente del país, Abdoulaye Wade, al que agradecerá de manera personal la readmisión de casi 5.000 senegaleses llegados en cayucos a las Islas Canarias.
Zapatero en Senegal

Es la primera visita oficial que Zapatero realiza a un país subsahariano, con la inmigración como único y principal asunto en el orden del día. Junto a él viajarán los ministros de Exteriores, Miguel Ángel Moratinos; de Justicia, Juan Fernando López Aguilar; de Fomento, Magdalena Álvarez; y de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, Jesús Caldera.

De vuelta, Zapatero recibirá en La Moncloa al presidente del Partido Demócrata estadounidense, Howard Dean, al que no pudo ver durante la conferencia política celebrada por el PSOE el pasado mes de septiembre, donde estaba previsto que asistiera. Con él compartió estrategias electorales el secretario de Organización del PSOE José Blanco, durante un viaje a EEUU el pasado mes de julio, del que regresó fascinado con el manejo del americano en los "blogs" político en Internet; de hecho, fue a partir de ese momento cuando el número dos de Ferraz decidió abrir su propia página personal, presentada en sociedad en la misma conferencia política donde el PSOE estrenó la primera televisión de partido en España.

El encuentro se celebrara el próximo miércoles, día de la Constitución, en el que el presidente asistirá por la mañana al acto de izado de la bandera en la Plaza de Colón en Madrid. La jornada institucional incluye la habitual recepción en el Congreso de los Diputados que dará comienzo al mediodía, y a la que se espera asistan los principales dirigentes políticos.

Aguirre-Gallardón, unidos por la Constitución

Pero el cumpleaños de la Carta Magna empezará a conmemorarse desde el inicio de la semana. El alcalde de Madrid Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón presidirá el homenaje a la Carta Magna en la Plaza de la Villa, sede del Ayuntamiento, donde distintas personalidades darán lectura continuada a los artículos de la Constitución, entre ellas Rajoy.

Al acto asistirá la presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, que también presidirá por la tarde la recepción en la Real Casa de Correos en la madrileña Puerta del Sol, y donde también se espera la presencia del alcalde, cuyo enfrentamiento con la jefe del Ejecutivo regional y compañera de partido por su biografía parece haber amainado estos últimos días. En representación del Gobierno tan sólo está prevista la asistencia en la sede de la Comunidad de la ministra de Medio Ambiente, Cristina Narbona.

Durante estos días, el "proceso de paz" seguirá copando la atención política e informativa después de un fin de semana en el que se han recrudecido los actos de kale borroka en el País Vasco y con los dos grandes partidos (PSOE y PP) enfrentados por la política antiterrorista. ETA será de nuevo protagonista mientras la Audiencia Nacional se dispone a juzgar este lunes a 15 jóvenes acusados de aportar información sobre objetivo de la banda.
Saludos Rodrigo Gonzalez Fernández
Renato Sanchez 3586
TELEFONO: 2451168 - 5839786
Santiago - Chile


Next Big market Winner!

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.

empresas familiares por el mundo

Empresa familiar Porquis inicia exportaciones de carne de cerdo
El Capital Financiero - Costa Rica
Porquis SA una empresa familiar dedicada a la producción y comercialización de carne inició ventas al mercado externo tras 19 años de existencia. ...

Saludos Rodrigo Gonzalez Fernández
Renato Sanchez 3586
TELEFONO: 2451168 - 5839786
Santiago - Chile


acoso moral y sexual en el trabajo

Rodrigo González Fernández  director de consultajuridicachile.blogspot.com, ha señalado a un grupo de empresarios: " Marcelo Montero Iglesis, destacado abogado, consultor de emprsas en Chile, Argentina  ha dictado dos cursos sobre acoso sexual y moral en el trabajo en SOFOFA - CHILE y va a realizar otros cursos , charlas , diplomados  durante 2007 . Las empresas y organiaciones pueden solicitar el curso a Fono: 5839786  o inscribirse  reservando fechas en SOFOFA: F. 6884265 con el Sr Claudio Pérez
Veamos que se dice del acoso moral:
Los costes del estrés
Diario de Navarra - Pamplona,Navarra,Spain
... consecuencias sicosociales agravan y planean sobre el resto de los peligros, ya que se pueden traducir en estrés, violencia y acoso moral, «una combinación ...
Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema

Seis meses de cárcel por acosar durante años a una conocida
La Voz de Galicia - A Coruña,Galicia,Spain
... por los trastornos y el daño moral ocasionado al ... y, de hecho, cuando por razones de trabajo su marido ... El acoso llegó todavía más lejos una semana después. ...

Next Big market Winner!

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.

Stock Trader Alert!

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.

Traders Daily Report

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.

Traders Daily Report

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.

¡La riqueza está muy mal distribuida!

El Blog Salmón

  • ¡La riqueza está muy mal distribuida!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2006 05:13 PM CST

    Global tug of war 250.192.jpgLa Universidad de las Naciones Unidas ha publicado un estudio sobre la riqueza mundial y su distribución. ¡La conclusión es triste y una llamada de atención a todos, especialmente los que creemos en el sistema liberal!

    El 2% de los más ricos poseen la mitad de la riqueza del mundo, y la mitad de los adultos poseen el 1% de la riqueza mundial, esos que viven con menos de €2 al día.

    No habrá muchos que estén felices con esta situación.

    Una gran parte de la riqueza es heredada y proviene de las desigualdades pasadas y no resultado de la desigualdad inherente en el sistema actual. Además, el grueso de la población más pobre está en lugares extremadamente pobres y con desigualdades exageradas (Africa, Asia y Latinoamérica).

    Es decir, el sistema actual en los países ricos funciona mejor de lo que demuestran estas desigualdades, en términos absolutos. Por lo tanto, hay que ayudar al máximo los países que no han llegado al nivel mínimo. Estos países deben ser ayudados para que su crecimiento les impulse a niveles necesarios.

    Está claro que el sistema que crea esta clase de desigualdad requiere mejoras.

    La única forma de impactar realmente esta situación de pobreza e igualdad absoluta en el largo plazo es que lo hagan ellos desde dentro y debemos ayudarles al máximo.

    He aquí otra razón más por no escatimar cuando se habla de abrir nuestros mercados a estos países,

    Vía | BBC Mundo y La Jornada
    En El Blog Salmón | Artículos sobre Pobreza
    Más información | Nota de Prensa de la Universidad de las Naciones Unidas

Stock Trader Alert!

VSUS Announces New MyOneScreen Application & New Market strategy. Price & Volume Going Through the Roof All Week!

VSUS technologies Inc. (VSUS) has developed a new application that allows you to surf the web, use email, shop online, and use office documents and spreadsheets, all from one secure application called MyOneScreen. This application is free to download and the campaign is now launching to the world market of internet users.

Company: VSUS Technologies Inc.
Price: $0.03
Target: $0.07

Note: Price Up 33% This Week. Volume Up 600% This Week!

VSUS has also signed agreements with two of the largest Blog marketing companies on the net to incorporate their advertising solutions via Blogs into the software. Blog advertising, although in its infancy is fast becoming one of the worlds most effective means to reach the market. Companies like Intel, Banana Republic, and Coca Cola are now focusing large portions of their advertising dollar into Blog Advertising.

This company is in the right place at the right time and investors know it! Go read the recent news, look at the amazing new application and its capabilities, BUT most of all grab VSUS first thing Thursday morning, before this thing climbs any higher.